Stuff We Like: Backyard Games with a Twist
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Ring Stix
Ring Stix is less of a competitive game and more like throwing a frisbee or tossing a football. The standard set comes with one glow-in-the-dark ring and one red ring that players toss and catch using Stix. The game is a good one for developing hand-eye coordination and passing the time with players of different skill levels who may not want to compete against one another in a more traditional lawn game. ($19.99;
This super-portable game is like a mix between horseshoes and bocce. It comes with eight wooden pieces, including six disks and two triangular "goals." Team members line up a few feet away from each other, behind the goals, and roll the wooden disks toward the opposite goal, trying to get each disk as close to the goal as possible. For an added twist, the disks have numbers printed on either side, and the player receives the point value that is facing up when the disk stops rolling. ($39.95; Outdoor Fun
Download our guide to 125 Ways to Have Fun Outside Brush up on the rules for classic outdoor games such as the Limbo, Catch the Tail on the Dragon, and Egg-and-Spoon Races.